Long-Distance Heating
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Overview – Product family
1st – uncoiling of pipes
Unwinding of the inner tube (PEX) from the roller
A double tube system requires two unwinding facilities
Steel tubes requires a alternatively separation unit
second step – torque tracking station
Considering the velocity of the main motor unit, the incoming speed of the inner tubes are controlled.
third step – Heating tube & alignment of tube
The heating tube warms up the inner tube
The mechanical alignment unit will align
4th step – forming unit & main motor unit
The forming unit is required for the alignment of used foils and the following welding
In parallel, the two component foam will be feeded at this point
Via alternating – dynamical component mixer
5th step – rotation tracking station
The rotating tracking unit produces the outher structure of foam
The required duration of time for the rotation of the tracking unit is calculated on base of the stabilizing time for the foam mass
6th step – The extruder unit
The extruder unit produces the outer surface of the heat – pipes. It is completely realized on PE based materials
After all, a cooling line well reduce the temperature at the tube surface
7th step – tracking unit
The tracking unit controls the speed of the outgoing tube
8th step – cutting and winding station
The winding station collects the finish heate-pipe around a steel wheel
In front of the winding station the finished heat-pipe passes the cutting station
Control Station
The central control station for all production processes is supported from SIEMENS S7 PLC
The actual states of production processes are displayed on graphical terminals (HMI)
Pipe-Viewer ( used for inspection of the continuous quality ) QA
The winding station for collecting of finished heat-pipes
The bending station for production of curved pipe segments
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